Automated PDF Generation and Emailing with Google Apps Script (Automation Project)


In the course of this project, I developed an automated system for generating dynamic PDF slips from a Google Docs template, utilizing variable inputs sourced from a Google Sheet. The script integrates this dynamic PDF generation process into an email template, wherein variable sender names are incorporated. Consequently, the script modifies the variable fields within the email, attaches the pertinent PDFs, and dispatches the customized emails to designated recipients. Remarkably, when provided with a list of 1000 senders, the script demonstrates the capability to dispatch personalized emails with attached PDFs within a concise timeframe of approximately 15 minutes. The GitHub repository containing the code for this project is accessible here

This Project was part of internship that I did at Beechtree IT solutions, Nagpur (remotely). This script was then used to send recipts to clients affiliated to the services provide by Beechtree IT Sloutions.